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Cement Plant Primary Crusher Rebuild

The winter/spring of 2019 was a busy one for the AIM Industrial Team handling the major shutdown work at both Bowmanville and St. Mary's, Ontario cement plants. Partly for our safety and fall-arrest program where everyone is tied off, especially in this type of environment, AIM was hired to rebuild this Primary Crusher below.

Rock is blasted free in the quarry where this crusher is. Front-end Loaders bring the rock and dump it into the cone. Above the cone is a jack-hammer looking like a long robotic arm. The large rock boulders are broken up by the above hammer. As the mandrel in the center rotates, it causes the rock to break up into even smaller pieces against the cone-walls which, then fall through onto a conveyor belt below transporting it to the Secondary Crusher.

This was a heavy-duty rock-crushing equipment project, which required high-level planning and execution. AIM's heavily experienced Millwrighting and Rigging tradespeople once again rose to the challenge, went safely home every day, and made another loyal customer happy.

The cone of silence. Safety awareness is always present being tied off for fall-arrest.

The Wing being lifted off creating access to the Mandrel.

450ton crane lifting out the Mandrel.

Mandrel is safely and securely on the ground.

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